My Death My Decision (Northern Ireland)is a volunteer-led advocacy group campaigning for the introduction of voluntary assisted dying legislation in Northern Ireland. My Death My Decision (Northern Ireland)is the leading assisted dying organisation in Northern Ireland, and are at the forefront of social change: 67% of the public in Northern Ireland now favours a change in the law to allow voluntary assisted dying for those who are incurably suffering or terminally ill. We are committed to proposing an evidence-based law that would balance individual choice alongside robust safeguards, and we are not afraid to confront uncomfortable truths or expose specious arguments. With the help of our members, supporters, and patrons we help to broaden the assisted dying debate and seek to enshrine the values of autonomy, dignity, and compassion into assisted dying legislation.
If someone aged 18 or above does not have mental capacity, then it is also lawful for them to stop receiving ongoing medical treatment even if that will eventually result in death. For example, someone in a permanent vegetative state can have life-sustaining treatment withdrawn, but only if their doctor judges it is in their ‘best interests’ to do so.
The notion of someone’s best interests is elusive, but it is well established that extending life is not always in someone’s best possible interests. To assist doctors, the Mental Capacity Act 2005 outlines the factors a doctor should consider when deciding someone’s best interests. These include: someone’s wishes and feelings both expressed at the time and before capacity was lost, the views of carers, family, or those with an interest in the person’s welfare, and other factors the person would likely consider themselves if they were able.
In order to avoid a circumstance where you might lose mental capacity and receive medical treatment that you’d don’t want, there are two legally binding options available:
Beyond this, it is also possible to state anything which would be important to your healthcare through a non-binding document, called an ‘Advance Statement’; as well as indicate if you would not like to receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) through something called a ‘Do Not Attempt Resuscitate Decision’.
Volunteers are essential to our campaign. Whether it’s helping with administration, specific research, lending us your particular talents, or joining our board – we aim to ensure you have the most positive experience possible. Our volunteers come from all backgrounds: retired people with time to spare, students looking to gain experience, or people who want to offer pro bono professional support.
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